Newly Trained Bethel Bible Series Teachers Honored at P.E.F.A Church, Kagio, Kenya
The Bethel Bible Series team at P.E.F.A. Church, Kagio, Kenya, gathered to celebrate the qualification of three new Bethel Bible Series teachers.
Above from the top is the P.E.F.A. (Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship of All Nations) Church building in Kagio, Kenya, near Mt. Kenya. To the right is the meeting with P.E.F.A. team members and Bethel Bible Series Executive Director, Rev. Jeff Quinto. Above is a picture of Jeff awarding P.E.F.A. Kagio Pastor Peter Muhoro a Bible in recognition of his efforts to spread an understanding of the Bible through the Bethel Bible Series in his area and beyond.
The meeting in Kagio took place on August 3, 2023, and was funded by Jeff and Toni Quinto.